Friday, September 20, 2013

Making The Shift To Coal

        Listed above is a link to an article that gives an inside look at President Obama's new coal burning power plant policy that he will be pressing forward with starting on Friday September 20, 2013. His plans are to help lower the amount of emissions that the United States power plants produce, which at it's current rate is, in his own words, "the limitless dumping of carbon pollution" into our atmosphere. This is an important step in his global warming plans, and will force the United States to make the shift to using more alternative cleaner methods of power. The new policy won’t necessarily affect the plants already in operation, but will instead be enforced with the new plants that are being built. He states that eventually the plants that are already in operation will be forced to limit their carbon emissions, which currently accounts for one third of all the U.S.’s greenhouse gas emissions. To help put into perspective the importance of limiting these emissions, a modern coal plant without carbon emission controls would release about 1,800 pounds per megawatt hour into our atmosphere. President Obama has said also that the public will have opportunities to comment on the rule before it is implemented. Obama has been working on this plan since 2011 and relates his case to a 1971 case relating the control of air pollution. The EPA will seek comments on whether to subject three coal plants that are currently in various stages of being built to Obama’s new standard, or treat them as existing sources. They are the Sunflower Electric Power Corp.'s facility near Holcomb, Kan., Power4Georgian's planned Washington County, Ga., facility, and Wolverine Power Cooperative's plans for a new power plant near Rogers City, Mich. What do you think? Is this a beneficial move for the United States? I certainly think so!